Contact NJ &

Federal Agencies

Below we will be providing information so that we, as stakeholders, can voice our opinions clearly and concisely to the correct state and federal agencies.

Homeowners in Shore towns - Contact Your Mayor and Your Council Members

Please contact these agencies regarding the offshore wind farm - express your concerns. Ask that the leased area be moved farther off-shore or reduce the number of turbines so that they can be moved farther from the coastline - from 15 feet to 35 miles. Tell them that you are very concerned about that the visual impact will negatively effect tourism. Your property values will go down significantly, etc. etc.

SAMPLE LETTER/EMAIL YOU CAN SEND (if you want something easy to send to voice your concern) WILL BE POSTED BY 1/18/21.

Contact Info:

Working on obtaining contact information for these agencies - if you have contact info, please share it with us - email us at GoGreenAndUnseenNJ at

BOEM - Bureau Ocean Energy Mangement

State of NJ DEP

State of NJ ____